I'm not
really sure if I'm a liberal. I honor warm feelings for others; I
certainly support the First Amendment very strongly; I believe in
collective action as represented by government. But I'm also pretty
practical. I don't believe in feckless charity; I don't believe in
sloppy thinking; I honor some of the principles of conservatism, as
in Edmund Burke and his Reflections on the Revolution in France.
But I'm not in bed with anything like what passes for conservatism
currently in America – no, siree Bob!
medical school two friends and I founded the Public Health Club.
Dean Robert Ebert assigned Dieter Koch-Weser as our advisor. It was
then I learned about the Law of Unintended Consequences (LUC). For
our first meeting he assigned readings about what happened in areas
where doctors and public health authorities abolished malaria. LUC
prevailed in these articles. With malaria conquered, population
increased, with a resultant increased suffering from human congestion
and increased poverty, if that were possible, all from the best of
later I read about Western beneficent organizations alleviating the
suffering during African famines by importing food. Critics pointed
out that the LUC would then ensure that the next famine would be even
worse, with even greater suffering, since core problems would not be
with that attempt at an exculpatory introduction, what about the
refugees descending on Europe? You could say that the refugees are
consequent to an awful civil war in Syria, as well as unlivable
conditions in other countries. Certainly that is true. But civil
wars do not erupt out of nothing. The refugees are fleeing with
their pitiful families, which number how many? Six, eight, ten? We
pity them the more for their numbers, but what are they doing with
all these kids? It's their culture. (I've said for a long time that
the Palestinian strategy is to have as many kids as possible and then
don't educate them, but that's another matter.) Yes, that's their
culture. They have overpopulated their home country, which became
manifest when the severe drought came and they fled the rural areas
for the cities. They countries are not cohesive, but rather divided
into religious tribes who get along sometimes, but when push comes to
shove, they fight each other. Overpopulation plus lack of cohesion
equals misery.
the civil war might be the proximate cause of the mass flight, the
deeper cause is overpopulation resulting from a culture of human
fecundity. In the natural world we see bees overwhelming the hive
and then a group leaves to form a new hive elsewhere. It's not a
stretch to recognize the same dynamics at work here, even as the
outcasts tug at our hearts.
It is
only natural to think Europe should be generous and take the refugees
in. But, are the refugees say that they want to become Europeans?
Maybe some are. But I think most are saying that they want a better
and safer life for themselves and their large families, not that they
want to change themselves. They don't want to give up their culture.
They want room to create a new hive.
remember the story of Kosovo. It used to be Serbian (I hold no brief
for the Serbians, btw, but I believe that this is the fact.) Then
fecund Albanian Muslims moved in, proliferated, became a majority,
and now they rule, as they and others feel they have every right to
do, because they are now a majority. Without firing a shot (at least
initially), they gained new land.
As I
write this, Ann and I are on the Silver Seas Shadow traversing the
North Pacific. We sat with some Brits the other day and conversation
turned (not on my initiative, as it happens) to Muslims in Britain.
Our new friends told us that in their neighboring towns between
Manchester and Leeds, five times a day, loudspeakers blast out call
to prayers, invading the auditory space of what used to be quietly
Christian towns. And we also read in the papers a day or so ago that
in France Islamic prayer services are spilling out onto the streets
surrounding mosques in various towns, leading to proposals that this
not be allowed. This can be uncomfortable for some; I certainly
would not like it; others might feel more at peace with this increase
in diversity. Opinions vary, I guess. I think I'm just pretty
conservative here.
many centuries now, after the terrible consequences of wars based on
religion, the European tradition has been for religion to be a
private affair, and for disparate religious groups to interact with
common understandings in quotidian life. The United States has shown
how possible it is to benefit from the influx of other cultures; the
intention of most immigrant groups to the US has been, however, to
become Americans. They have been able to keep their religions and
still fit in comfortably, and make the US better. So the big
question is this: how does that apply to the would-be Muslim
immigrants to Europe? Would it be their intention to fit in? Could
they do it? And would the Europeans allow it, and even facilitate
To my
mind, these aren't easy questions. I think of the Iraqi immigrants
to Sweden, who came because of Sweden's commitment to human rights
for all. One result of the influx was that a Davis Cup match between
Israel and Sweden could not be freely played in Malmö
because of anti-Israel protests by the immigrants. The match was
played to an empty stadium. Others might think a five time daily
call to prayer over loudspeakers in their hometown is acceptable.
Would they also think that this imposition of Iraqi prejudice is also
hasn't been able to handle Algerians, who have been banished to the
banlieus, from which emanated the assassins of Charlie Hebdo. Cast
blame where you will, but isn't that a foreseeable result from warm
feelings of wanting to help the refugees? We might say that France
should “do better” by the refugees, but maybe they just can't.
You have to know your own capacities. Should they willingly admit
the refugee bees from the Middle Eastern hive when the foreseeable
result is more empty stadia when Israel comes to visit, or more
assassins for those who exercise free speech?
don't think the Syrian civil war is the fault of the West; it's an
internal problem. Still, you can't just let people suffer when they
appear at your doorstep. I don't have great alternatives.
wonder if it would be possible with strong united military power to
establish a safe zone in Syria to which civilians could flee – but
who would govern it? What rules would there be for separating
factions? What would the future be, when we know that the highest
birth rates on earth occur in refugee camps in the Middle East? This
can't happen, I'm sure.
what about asking the refugees to choose one of two options:
- Choose to apply for permanent citizens in the new country, adopting it as their home, and obligating themselves to learn the language fully, to educate the children in the country's schools, to educate themselves about the new country's customs and laws, and to keep their own customs and religion in their private life only. The host country would be obligated to help in seeking a job for at least one of the parents of the family and providing the integration services, and the welfare costs, etc. It would be expensive.
- Or they could choose to be a temporary visitor who will be required to migrate back to the home country when the host country would deem it safe. In the meantime they could take welfare or jobs might be found, and the kids educated in the Western style, not in madrassas.
is a reason the world in agog with what to do here, because it
certainly is not easy. I'm not hard hearted, but I've seen enough to
respect LUC. You don't have to be a fascist Hungarian to be careful
to preserve what you have.